Health, happiness and wellbeing. These three things are at the core of everything we do here at Swisse.
We believe in encouraging people to make their health an everyday priority, rather than waiting until it suffers to take action. We believe that conventional approaches to health can always be improved upon, and we’re advocates for the powers of positive thinking, strong relationships, regular exercise and wholesome food. Most importantly, we believe in our philosophy of Celebrating Life Every Day. This means taking time out, every day, to appreciate all the great things about life.

As part of our contribution to spreading good health and wellbeing in the community, we started The Celebrate Life Every Day foundation. The aim of this foundation is to support the programs already working hard to promote health in our communities. It’s our way of giving back some of the support we’ve been shown over the last almost 50 years.

The Swisse Color Run, has been touted as the ‘happiest 5km on the planet’, and grows in participants every year allowing us to raise valuable funds for our charity partners. The Swisse Color Run is the perfect expression of our Celebrate Life Every Day philosophy!

If you’d like to know more about the valuable work Swisse does check out our Corporate Social Responsibility section.